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Lode Releases

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0.35.0Beta25th June 2024#

  • NewDark mode
  • NewCopy a test's relative path from the context menu
  • NewDouble click on a test to open the file it is contained in
  • NewNew button to collapse all test suites at once
  • NewAllow frameworks to process test result feedback messages
  • ChangedImproved feedback on which process architecture Lode is running in
  • ChangedUpgrade to Electron v30
  • FixedIssue with PHPUnit when running on PHP 8.2 or later

0.34.0Beta27th February 2022#

  • NewLode is now available in both Intel and Apple silicon versions. Please re-download the application in your desired architecture if you have installed Lode from a previous version
  • ChangedVarious dependency upgrades

0.33.0Beta28th July 2021#

  • NewCustom titlebar for Windows version
  • ChangedUpgraded Electron to v13
  • FixedSelecting to filter from framework menu not working as expected

0.32.0Beta6th July 2021#

  • ChangedUpgraded Lode's renderer to Vue 3
  • FixedScanning of empty repositories from main panel not working
  • FixedDrag and drop of repositories not working

0.31.1Beta2nd April 2021#

  • FixedJest tests marked as "todo" not always being recognised as "incomplete"
  • FixedSuite selection persisting even when not in view
  • FixedSuite sometimes persisting after being deselected when using a combination status filters

0.31.0Beta26th March 2021#

  • ChangedUpdated Electron to 12.0.0
  • ChangedUpdated to Webpack 5
  • FixedParameters tab in test results not cycling or persisting as expected
  • FixedVery long test names would cause test result pane to crop
  • FixedOccasional misalignment of suite or test checkboxes
  • RemovedWindow and sidebar vibrancy on macOS

0.30.2Beta27th February 2021#

  • ChangedUpdated Electron to 11.3.0

0.30.1Beta24th February 2021#

  • ChangedRemove vibrancy from sidebar in macOS when using dark mode

0.30.0Beta23rd February 2021#

  • NewAdded support for PHPUnit 9+
  • NewVibrancy for sidebar in macOS

0.29.1Beta29th January 2021#

  • ChangedDon't override indeterminate checkbox style
  • ChangedImprovements in path manipulation
  • FixedTests could linger as "queued" if they threw an error when being run selectively
  • FixedPotential parsing error when a Lode processed errored in the middle of reporting
  • FixedJest tests that should not be selectable could still be selected using keyboard

0.29.0Beta12th December 2020#

  • NewFilter and run action from suite context menu
  • NewOne-click content copy from snippets in test results and alerts
  • ChangedUpdated to Electron 11
  • ChangedEnforce context isolation in renderer process for added security
  • ChangedImproved memory footprint in renderer process
  • ChangedInterface and icons refinements, from updated Primer versions
  • ChangedVarious stability improvements
  • FixedConsole file paths in Jest 25+
  • FixedUpdater failures could cause the app to freeze
  • FixedJitter when switching frameworks on a sidebar with overflowing content
  • RemovedDynamic sorting
  • NotesAn extensive refactor of Lode's codebase to ensure it adheres to Electron's latest security best-practices ([#45]( It also updates dependencies to much newer versions (including underlying Node and Chrome versions) for a faster and more stable foundation, which will soon allow for additional improvements and Apple Silicon builds, too.

0.28.4Beta7th January 2020#

  • ChangedUpdated Electron to 6.1.7

0.28.3Beta26th October 2019#

  • FixedKeyword filter matching overriding status matches
  • FixedWindows tab cycling always going forwards

0.28.2Beta24th October 2019#

  • ChangedRemove filter match highlight, which did not perform well enough in frameworks with a large amount of tests
  • FixedFiltering by status not returning the expected results
  • FixedUpdate control missing from application menu in Windows
  • FixedShowing files in Explorer opened window in the background in Windows
  • Fixed"Switch project" check state in Windows

0.28.1Beta23rd October 2019#

  • FixedDefine Windows certificate publisher name to enable auto-updating of NSIS installations

0.28.0Beta23rd October 2019#

  • NewHighlight matching part of a test suite's name when filtering - [#21](
  • NewBetter tab navigation - [#20](
  • ChangedTrim backslashes (i.e. Windows path separators) from filter keywords
  • FixedWindows titlebar not updating when needed
  • FixedFramework settings failing to fetch a framework's display name

0.27.0Beta18th October 2019#

  • NewWindows compatibility
  • ChangedImproved console context in results pane, with added actions
  • ChangedImproved accuracy when scanning package.json files for Jest testing scripts
  • FixedWarnings triggered when running PHPUnit 7, because the Lode reporter's `writeProgress` was not fully compatible with parent
  • FixedExcessive font weight for framework titles in macOS Catalina

0.26.1Beta6th October 2019#

  • ChangedCode is now compiled specifically for Node.js 12
  • FixedJest tests could end up with the same id in some circumstances, causing focus to appear on two or more tests at once
  • FixedSelect inputs not having icons

0.26.0Beta22nd September 2019#

  • ChangedErrors from malformed Jest test suites are now treated as failures, with much improved feedback
  • ChangedLode now enforces a content security policy
  • FixedStopping framework runs being unresponsive at times
  • FixedJest stack traces failing to properly parse filenames with spaces in them
  • FixedTests erroneously assuming "queued" status in some edge cases
  • FixedTest parameters failing to show if suite was not expanded or selected before running
  • FixedMore resilient process output parsing, especially when dealing with stray output

0.25.1Beta19th September 2019#

  • FixedProcesses failing with npm runner
  • FixedFailing to remove framework from its dedicated settings modal

0.25.0Beta7th September 2019#

  • NewProgress indicator in application icon
  • NewMore controls for running frameworks in bulk, including from repository or project context menus in the sidebar
  • ChangedBetter formatting of duration strings
  • ChangedLess dependency on Node APIs in the renderer process
  • ChangedUpdated Primer CSS and Octicons to latest version
  • ChangedPre-compile main process for faster loading times - [#14](
  • FixedOpening files in external application alerting for an error that didn't occur
  • FixedPHPUnit files getting stuck in "running" status if running a subset of tests in which one or more had been removed from the framework
  • FixedANSI output parsing failing in certain situations

0.24.0Beta18th August 2019#

  • ChangedUpgrade to Electron 6.0 - [#13](

0.23.0Beta11th August 2019#

  • NewData parameters from PHPUnit are now shown in the "Parameters" tab in the results pane
  • New`console` helper in PHPUnit to help debug tests while running Lode
  • ChangedImproved parsing of Jest failure feedback
  • ChangedImproved rendering of feedback text
  • ChangedAlways use panels for diff
  • FixedPHPUnit unable to run tests in separate processes

0.22.2Beta6th August 2019#

  • FixedSecurity fixes - [#10]( [#11](

0.22.1Beta6th August 2019#

  • ChangedUse S3 publisher alongside GitHub for automatic updates

0.22.0Beta6th August 2019#

  • NewLode is now [open source software](!

0.21.0Beta12th June 2019#

  • NewLode can now handle missing repositories more gracefully
  • NewFilter a single test file in the list view from its context menu
  • NewReveal repositories in Finder from sidebar context menu
  • NewAutomatic crash reports from main process
  • NewMinimal anonymized usage tracking
  • ChangedRestrict draggable regions to app's topmost areas
  • ChangedMore minimalistic filtering input, with the addition of a search icon in preparation of more complex search options
  • ChangedTerms and conditions to account for anonymized tracking
  • FixedPHPUnit failing to run inside repositories with spaces in their path
  • FixedFramework lingers in active mode even if its parent repository was removed
  • FixedSidebar jiggle when switching frameworks

0.20.0Beta5th June 2019#

  • NewTest file list can now be sorted (initially supports sorting by running order, name, dates of last update or last run, total duration and maximum test duration)
  • NewAllow filtering by "selected" status. Useful for when you want a run a subset of files by their status, but want to keep them in view regardless of their subsequent outcomes
  • NewLode will now remember the first time a test was seen and the last time it was run
  • NewLink to release notes from About window
  • ChangedMore minimalistic result pane tabs
  • ChangedTest information (previously "statistics") is no longer hidden while a test is in a transient status
  • ChangedIf a file is excluded by filters they will now be collapsed in addition to being unselected
  • ChangedImprovements in content overflow in the sidebar, tests list and results pane
  • ChangedUse tabular numbers for dynamic labels
  • ChangedSlight changes in color palette
  • FixedIssue with "Add another repository" button creating a new input that was not blank when trying to add multiple repositories at once
  • FixedPrevent PHPUnit from returning empty traces

0.19.0Beta28th May 2019#

  • NewImproved Jest feedback, with better separation between message and stack trace and rich traces instead of plain ANSI
  • NewCommand-F will now focus on the framework's filtering input
  • NewJump to documentation from application menu
  • ChangedExclude hidden part of a suite's path from keyword filtering, which should yield better results when copying and pasting paths from many different sources
  • ChangedClicking on repository name on sidebar will now collapse and expand it
  • ChangedBetter handling of collapsible panels with no content (no empty bodies, no copy button)
  • ChangedSoftware update improvements
  • FixedFix macOS malicious software alert in quarantined app, due to stricter control for notarized apps in 10.14.5
  • FixedCode snippets failing to highlight first line
  • FixedDon't try to calculate relative paths to files inside a stack trace frame if they're already relative
  • FixedOdd filename truncation in relative paths in a collapsible panel's header
  • FixedMissing icon in about window

0.18.0Beta19th May 2019#

  • NewShow "actual", "expected" and "expected (partial)" results from presence matching failures in PHPUnit, which improves feedback for Laravel-specific assertions like `assertSee` and `assertJson`
  • NewCopy to clipboard button for diff and trace panel contents
  • NewToggle sort order on exception traces
  • ChangedExclude hidden part of a suite's path from keyword filtering
  • ChangedClicking on repository name on sidebar will now collapse and expand it
  • ChangedSofteware update improvements
  • FixedRepository scanning issue which could cause frameworks being wrongly identified when adding multiple repositories at once with auto-scanning turned on

0.17.2Beta15th May 2019#

  • NewShiny new application icon
  • ChangedAuto-download updates, but still prompt users to install
  • FixedFormatting and misnomers in terms and conditions

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